Skymasters Event Registration


Winter Indoor Flying Registration:

Online Registration:

Welcome to Skymasters Online Event Registration! Please let us know if you encounter any issues registering!

PayPal Acceptance Mark You can register online and pay via Paypal. Paypal allows you to pay by Credit Card, e-check, or cash from your Paypal account. You do not need to be a Paypal member to pay by credit card!

You will also have the option to print a pre-filled out application form that can be mailed in with your check.

Signin to Register:

If you are a Skymasters member - or a current or past participant in our Midwest Regional Float Fly or Winter Indoor Flying - you can simplify your registration (and our processing) by logging in to our site!

Your Username is your AMA number (unless you have changed it).



Password Reset:

Register as Guest:

First:  Last: 
AMA Number: Your AMA number and last name must match AMA records.

Not an AMA member? Skymasters is a chartered club with the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) and requires a current AMA membership to participate in our flying events. AMA membership status will be verified for all participants before and/or at the event. Please bring your membership card with you. Click the Join or Renew AMA link (here or in menu above) to join AMA.