Winter Indoor Flying Registration:
Online Registration:
You can register online and pay via Paypal. Paypal allows you to pay by Credit Card, e-check, or cash from your Paypal account.
You do not need to be a Paypal member to pay by credit card!
You will also have the option to print a pre-filled out application form that can be mailed in with your check.
Signin to Register:
If you are a Skymasters member - or a current or past participant in our Midwest Regional Float Fly or Winter Indoor Flying - you can simplify your registration (and our processing) by logging in to our site!
Your Username is your AMA number (unless you have changed it).
Register as Guest:
Not an AMA member? Skymasters is a chartered club with the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) and requires a current AMA membership to participate in our flying events.
AMA membership status will be verified for all participants before and/or at the event. Please bring your membership card with you.
Click the Join or Renew AMA link (here or in menu above) to join AMA.